Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Loops and Beads

So since I loved my initial batch of stitch markers so much, I decided to buy some more supplies and make some more which will last longer than the hemp ones. I had bought the acrylic beads for my initial hemp batch from Walmart, but I saw some Czech beads while shopping at Fabricland and thought those would make great stitch markers.

Of course metal would be ideal to make the loops but I am not going there just yet.

First I tried to make a few with some Leather cord already in my stash. These look great and very professional but I have my doubts on how long they will last.

Next I went and bought some jewelry cord from Walmart and am most happiest with these.

I might add these as side gifts with my bags (when I know the buyer is a knitter) or sell them separately at some point. For now, I am just plain happy and satisfied.

------------------------------------------------------ © YARNSIDE

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

In Sewing Land - 2

Second Sewing Project - Reversible box bag with waterproof lining

In this one I tried to use a torn shopping bag from Zellers in order to make the bag water proof. Again the box bit was a bit fidly but I did manage to make the bag. The lines on one side are little wonky though. I am sure the next one will be perfect.
------------------------------------------------------© YARNSIDE